STATUS: Community Engagement
The Trail Conservancy is currently working on improving the Trail and its connections, implementing additional elements proposed in PARD’s Holly Shores/Edward Rendon Sr. Park Vision Plan. The Vision Plan designed a vision for revitalized open space that integrates redevelopment of the decommissioned Holly Street Power Plant. During this phase of work, TTC will present findings from the first engagement session to review and ensure TTC understands the stakeholders’ and communities’ priorities and values for the project. TTC will also present the initial design concepts to get feedback on their alignment with outlined project desires and priorities.
See all the feedback from our community engagement and learn about the Holly neighborhood community’s vision for the Trail and parkland with out comprehensive visual story map.
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Join TTC at our community engagement open houses!
about the project
The Trail Conservancy will commence the three projects together to increase the richness of our community engagement efforts and design with a comprehensive overview. Once the schematic design package has been delivered, The Trail Conservancy will begin funding for each project. Subsequently, one project may be funded sooner than another and begin detailed design, permitting, and construction separately. These three projects include:
This project will add a new trailhead to the northern entrance to the Butler Trail at Metz Park. It could include shade, seating, signage, and other amenities for the Trail and park users. This trailhead will also mark the connection between the future East Link Trail and the Butler Trail.
Trail Enhancements
This project will add another layer to the recently completed Lakefront Trail. It will enhance the concrete multi-use Trail connecting the Butler Trail along the shoreline of the decommissioned Holly Power Plant. This project could include shade, drinking fountains, additional tree plantings, and play features. The community’s input is welcomed to enhance the new Trail.
Play Area
The Vision Plan highlighted this new one-acre play area between Fiesta Gardens and Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center along Jesse E. Segovia Street. Currently, the site is mowed Bermuda grass with picnic tables and temporary lighting. The Vision Plan advises to develop this area as a center of children’s activity.
design team

project timeline
Ideas & Themes - To gather input from trail users and Holly neighbors about the project's goals, priorities, and vision, one online survey, one community event, presentations to neighborhood groups, pop-ups at community events, and focus groups will be conducted.
Concept Design - During this phase, TTC will share the first engagement summary to ensure that it understands the stakeholders' and communities' priorities and values for the project. TTC will conduct one online survey, one community event, presentations to neighborhood groups, pop-ups at community events, and focus groups to get feedback on aligning initial design concepts and options with outlined desires and priorities.
Refining and finalizing concept designs - During this phase, TTC will present the findings from phase 2 of engagement and updated design concepts and options to stakeholders and communities to get their feedback. TTC will conduct one online survey, one community event, presentations to neighborhood groups, pop-ups at community events, and focus groups to gather feedback during this phase.
community engagement details
Focus Groups:
Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center employees (April 24, 2024)
Rodolfo “Rudy” Mendez Recreation Center employee (May 29, 2024)
Interviews by Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon – design team member, artist, and photographer
- Tejano Trail of Legends partnership event with Holly Neighborhood Association (April 13, 2024)
- Mendez Recreation Center Cinco de Mayo event (May 2, 2024)
- Bike to School Pop-up at Blackshear Elementary (May 8, 2024)
- Presentation to East Town Lake Citizen Association (April 17, 2024)
- Meeting with East Town Lake Citizen Association Board (May 29, 2024)
Open House Events
- In-person community event at Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center (May 11, 2024) (LINK: see boards from engagement #1)
- Virtual Survey – La Encuesta en Línea (April 12 – May 19, 2024)
Open House Events:
- In-person community open house at Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center (September 21, 2024)
- Virtual community open house on Zoom (September 25, 2024) (Watch the meeting recording)
- In-person community open house at Mendez Recreation Center (October 7, 2024)
- Virtual Survey (September 20 – November 4, 2024)
Dates TBD

project faq
The proposed projects are a series of projects outlined as priorities in the Holly Shores/Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach Vision Plan. The Trail Conservancy will lead the projects to improve the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail and its connection to the neighborhood. During the development of the Vision Plan, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department worked with neighbors and community members to identify priorities. TTC, in alignment with the Vision Plan, is partnering with the Parks Department to implement the following projects:
- Fishing Pier (starting construction in Fall 2024; anticipated completion in Spring 2025)
- Three distinct projects referenced as Trailhead, Trail Enhancements, and Play Area (these three (3) distinct projects are located in the area adjacent to the Holly Power Plant and Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center)
The design of each distinct project is community-driven. That’s to say, neither TTC nor any future project donors will independently choose the elements of these projects. TTC is working with the community to understand community priorities and values regarding the project. Three engagement stages will occur in the project design phase to establish the overall design and park elements from community input. Engagement events will include open houses in the park at neighborhood recreation and amenity centers, focus groups, virtual meetings, online surveys, and tabling at local events. The designs of each distinct project will be based on the input received from these engagements and will align with the Holly Shores/Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach Vision Plan.
The project intends to provide spaces that are open, free, and accessible to the community. Depending on the final design, the projects could include reservable spaces, such as a picnic area/shelter. More information about picnic areas in Austin parks can be found here (including reservations at the nearby Martin pavilion):
Once the projects are complete, TTC will be responsible for all maintenance of the newly built areas except large tree trimming and trash/recycling collection. Maintenance costs for the first five years are included in the total project budget.
In June 2022, TTC signed a Park Operations and Maintenance Agreement (POMA) with the City of Austin outlining terms for the expanded partnership, including land management. The agreement encompasses a detailed Operations and Maintenance Plan for the day-to-day management and restoration of the 10-mile Ann & Roy Butler HIke-and-Bike Trail and almost 300 acres surrounding it within the Town Lake Metropolitan Park. This includes plantings, mowings, general maintenance, etc.
We are currently in the projects’ community engagement and schematic design phase. Nearing completion of each project’s fundraising phase, TTC plans to hire an artist consultant. The consultant will advise how to best bring the art and culture vision set in the Public Art Action Plan for the Holly Shores Vision Plan area to life. This Public Art Action Plan for the Holly Shores Vision Plan was completed by the City of Austin in 2013.
This area is already home to existing murals currently maintained by the City of Austin Art in Public Places (AIPP) program. AIPP will lead any future murals in the project spaces as well.
We have heard from the community and those artists who worked within the area that the communities surrounding the park have a long tradition of the arts being integrated into their everyday lives. The surrounding neighborhoods largely hold their collective identity through creative expression, from front-yard shrines to expressive murals to original music.
The Austin Parks and Recreation Department operates an existing splash pad at Rodolfo “Rudy” Mendez Recreation Center located at 2407 Canterbury Street. The splash pad location is adjacent to this project area. Because of the proximity of an existing splash pad, TTC does not have plans to duplicate this amenity but rather bring unique community-driven amenities to the project space.
TTC’s POMA boundary does not include the area around the proposed Expedition School kayak dock project. This means that TTC has no involvement, influence, or impact on anything relating to that project. For more information on the ordinance pertaining to the Expedition School dock, please visit the City of Austin’s website –