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The Trail Conservancy is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Our IRS EIN is 87-0699956 as established under the original name, the Town Lake Trail Foundation.

IRS Determination



How much is the City paying TTC to operate and maintain the Trail?

There are no payments being made from the City to TTC for the execution of the POMA. TTC’s intent with the partnership is to relieve PARD of most of the costs of maintaining and improving the Trail and adjacent parkland, so PARD can use that money somewhere else.  TTC’s sole mission is to protect, enhance, and connect the Trail at for the benefit of all, and 100% of the money they raise or generate is dedicated to that mission. Any funds generated in the park specifically are restricted to park operations and cannot be spent on fundraising or overhead expenses. TTC, like other partners and nonprofits, is eligible to apply for City grants such as Parkland Dedication Funds and grants such as the Watershed Protection Department Shoreline Stewardship Program.

Capital Project Funding

When TTC receives funds for a capital project, those dollars are restricted to the dedicated project until they are spent. In most cases, projects run multiple years from fundraising until completion, during which time the funds are separated as restricted funds and cannot be used for any other purpose (other projects, overhead, etc). TTC always works to raise an additional 3-5 years of dedicated maintenance funds for each capital project – these funds are also held as restricted funds until they are spent on the project.

Audited Financial Statements

2023 Financial Statements
2022 Financial Statements
2021 Financial Statements
2020 Financial Statements
2019 Financial Statements
2018 Financial Statements
2017 Financial Statements