Butler Trail Ecological Restoration Sponsorship Information


Primary Goals of the Ecological Restoration:

  • Restore and enhance plant communities — manage native trees, understory, and groundcover to create diverse and aesthetically appealing plant communities that provide rich wildlife habitat.
  • Repair and Improve ecological function — manage landscape to better absorb and clean water, regenerate native flora, filter air, create and stabilize soil, reduce urban temperatures, and provide shade.
  • Enhance resiliency — manage landscape to adapt to and withstand drought, heavy use, climate change, and other major disturbances.
  • Enhance the user experience — provide aesthetically pleasing, compelling, comfortable, and intricate natural surroundings.
  • Facilitate stewardship — catalyze opportunities to appreciate, observe, and care for the natural environment as an ongoing part of people’s lives.


The goals will be achieved by addressing the prioritized tasks in each land management units, which include:
  1. restoration – planting and seeding to increase diversity
  2. invasive species management – removal of invasive species
  3. erosion control and soil restoration
  4. user experience – increased aesthetic appeal, improved access to the water, trail improvements, increased safety, or accessibility of information
  5. tree care – improving the health of trees and reducing risk of damage from trees

Donor Benefits

The Butler Trail sees over 2.4 million visits annually. The Trail is a destination not only for Austinites, but also for Central Texans and visitors. As Austin grows, we will ensure sustainable Trail facilities keep up with the pace.

Giving to this enhancement will allow the donor to demonstrate a commitment the entire Trail community and all of Austin. Since this project spans 4 years, donors have the opportunity to be recognized for their dedication over an extended period of time.

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Path Sponsor

Name on TTF Ecological Restoration webpage

Name in TTF newsletter

Recognition via new media

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Creek Sponsor

Previous benefits, plus:

Name and/or logo at project dedication

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Woodland Sponsor

Previous benefits, plus:

Inclusion in press release

Permanent onsite donor recognition (TBD at a later date)

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Lakefront Sponsor

Previous benefits, plus:

Framed full-color project rendering suitable for corporate office

Prominent focus in TTF e-newsletter (over 9,000 distributed)

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Underwriting Sponsor

Previous benefits, plus:

Top-level display of name on permanent onsite donor recognition

Top-level display of name and/or logo on: TTF Ecological Restoration and at project dedication

For more information, please contact Kylie Rush.