Signature Events


The BIG Day in the Dirt

Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail Austin, TX, United States

It’s time to get your hands dirty! Promote team building, volunteerism, and sustainability within your organization by joining The Trail Conservancy for our fall Trail clean-up, The BIG Day in the Dirt. TTC staff will lead the clean-up efforts, providing all necessary tools, equipment, and guidance for a successful and impactful experience.


Earth Day Cleanup

Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail Austin, TX, United States

We are excited to team up again with the Rowing Dock for Austin’s largest land and lake Earth Day clean-up! Austin is known for its beautiful green spaces and natural attractions like the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail and Lady Bird Lake. We are all grateful for the opportunity to live and work in Austin, and it’s time to give back to the spaces that provide us with so much.


Twilight On The Trail

Four Seasons Hotel Austin 98 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States

Twilight on the Trail is The Trail Conservancy's biggest fundraiser of the year. A twist on the stuffy gala, attire is "Cocktail on top, Trail on bottom" as we join together celebrating the Butler Trail with food, drinks, and competitive live bidding.