Summer Pet Safety

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Summer Pet Safety Tips for the Trail

Soaring summer temperatures are here, and while we may be able to withstand them, the same can’t be said for our furry friends. Over-exercising a dog during hot weather often causes heat exhaustion. Our furry friends are more susceptible to heat stroke, which can result in brain damage, heart failure, or even death in a short time. So, it is important to keep an eye on our TrailPets during the ‘dog days of summer.’

If you regularly bring your TrailPet on your walks and runs, prioritize their health and safety by adjusting your routine during the hot summer months. Be prepared by checking out our summer Trail safety tips for pets.

  1. Hydration is Key: Always give your pets access to plenty of fresh, cool water. Bring a water bottle and an expandable silicone pet bowl on your run or walk. If you ever run out of water, fill up at any of the 19 water fountains around the Trail. (Hot Tip: Visit the Butler Exercise area for the Trail’s only solar power, chilled fountain!)
  2. Avoid Peak Heat Times: Temperatures are at their hottest in the middle of the day, so take advantage of slightly cooler temperatures and hit the Trail before 10 am and after 6 pm
  3. Limit Time Outside: We may be able to handle the heat, but managing hot weather can be difficult for dogs—especially ones with short snouts, long fur, and the elderly. When your dogs are with you on the Trail, choose shorter routes, take breaks for water and rest, and have a plan to get your dogs home early if you still want to spend more time outside.
  4. Cool Down with Wet Towels: In addition to bringing water, keep pets cool with a damp towel they can lie on or be wiped down with. If you want to take it up a notch, purchase cooling mats or vests designed for pets.
  5. Watch for Signs of Overheating: Keep an eye out for excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. If you notice these signs, move your pet to a cooler area and contact an emergency veterinarian immediately.


For more tips and resources, visit the Austin Animal Center’s website.


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