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Shanny Lott

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The year 2007 was a very low point in my life. I had just moved back into Ausitn from the Lake Travis area and was feeling extremely unsupported. I have always found solace on the trail and knew that’s where I needed to be. I started walking every morning with no intentions other than finding my way. After a few days I started focusing on the undersides of the bridges, particularly the one at Lamar and the one at Barton Springs Road. The real beauty of these bridges is unseen when you drive across them. What lies beneath is where the magic is. I began to think of the beautiful unseen support those bridges afford this city. They are standing there very stately, yet silently doing their job..which is to support the traffic above. It occurred to me that I might have that kind of beautifully unseen support and that if I looked a little deeper I would find it, and find it I did. The result of was series of bridge paintings that I made following that discovery of support. That was the beginning of new and previously unknown resources for me in my carer and personally.

I believe that the spirit of Austin lives on the trail and is available to all who seek its healing powers.


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